
无理由限制PR自由移动是违反澳洲签署的国际公约的。The right to freedom of movement is contained in articles 12 and 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

Governments have a duty to ensure that a person’s freedom of movement is not unduly restricted by others, including private persons or companies. The right applies to all persons lawfully within Australian territory, not only to Australian citizens. 政府有责任确保在没有足够理由的情况下,每一个公民或者是居民的自由移动的权利不受妨碍。

所以PR 的签证一般是不放condition 的,190 签证是一个PR ,PR是没有任何condition的。489签证一般放的是一个8549的condition, 也没有规定死持有人必须住在哪里,而是尽可能多的给了签证持有人选择的权力,允许489的签证持有人住在任何的边远地区。比如SA担保的489 跑去了TAS 或者NT, 移民局代表的联邦政府就不认为是一个问题, 这就是政府立法背后的考虑。

489, 190基本上都是州政府担保的,而州政府又希望他们担保的申请人能尽可能的留下了。但是站在联邦的角度,那就是有肉烂在锅里,你搬去了那个regional area 边远地区都是一样的达到了489 这个签证的目的,所以联邦并没有动力和意愿去现在489签证持有人只能在担保州工作,居住。但是如果联邦政府想要求489持有人必须在担保州居住。联邦政府是有这个法律途径的,移民局可以放8571的签证的condition在489或者190签证上. 之所有没有放8571, 我想是因为拿到190或489 离开担保州的问题并不严重,没有足够的理由来违反international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

8549 和8571的要求如下。


(1)  Unless subclause (2) applies, while the holder is in Australia, the holder must live, study and work only in a designated area, as in force:

(a)  when the visa was granted; or

(b)  if the holder has held more than 1 visa that is subject to this condition — when the first of those visas was granted.

Note:    designated area is defined in regulation 1.03

(2)  For a visa granted on the basis of satisfaction of clause 159.214 or 159.311 of Schedule 2, while the holder is in Australia, the holder must live, study and work only in Norfolk Island, apart from any period during the whole of which the visa holder:

(a)  has not turned 25; and

(b)  is a dependent child of a person who is ordinarily resident in Norfolk Island; and

(c)  lives elsewhere in Australia for the purpose of study; and

(d)  meets the requirements mentioned in condition 8105 (which relates to students engaging in work).

Note:    Condition 8105 is not imposed on the visa.



The holder must maintain an ongoing relationship with the nominating State or Territory government agency or the government of the State or Territory in which the agency is (or was) located.

