

目前移民局有接近10万个没有审理完成的申请,每年可以完成接近4万个申请,不考虑撤销withdraw 的申请,去年的拒签率在8%


相信如果条件符合的话,大部分人都会优先考虑配偶移民,毕竟相较于技术移民,配偶签证不需要学历,不需要英语,不需要职业评估,不需要相关工作,只需要有符合条件的配偶,你不仅可以带上自己的小孩,还可以获得澳洲提供的免费英语课,以及拥有澳洲国民医疗保险及其他一系列的福利,实在是所有移民途径中的一条捷径。比如最近由于疫情的影响,不少人工作时间减少,导致收入随之降低,澳洲政府因此给公民和永居者发放了JOB KEEPER的福利,每人每两周可领取高达1500澳币的补贴,这等好事,没有澳洲绿卡可是想都不敢想哦。







举些常见的例子,如果你和你配偶结婚了, 一起生活了多年,甚至有了爱情的结晶,那么非常好,关系真实度高。如果你和你配偶没有结婚,但是同居超过12个月了,那么也符合条件。如果你们没结婚也没同居满12个月,那么就需要满足特定条件。如果你们仅网恋,没有见过面,那么别考虑申请了,关系不够铁。




移民官普遍都采取“老式侦探式”法盘审问面试申请者。 有些移民官面试婚姻绿卡申请者时,习惯会问一些如下问题:你和丈夫经常去哪里吃饭?你们家的外卖餐单放在哪里?你们去年除夕夜在哪里庆祝的?你们家租金费用多少,一般由谁来写支票?你们婚姻居住地最近的地铁站在哪里?你们的家庭医生办公室在哪里?你们最近一次的浪漫约会在哪里? 两位分别面试后,如果所有答案匹配,他们的申请很快就会被批准。如果不匹配,申请者可以有反驳的机会,但移民官会对他们的申请有所顾虑。 比如“如果丈夫说家里墙壁是白色的,而妻子说墙壁是绿色的。那么你们必须解释为什么两人的回答存在差异?如果有一方是色盲,你们也必须证实谁是色盲,拿出证据。” 又比如:“丈夫说2011年12月31日最后一天和妻子在家看时代广场的水晶球落下庆祝仪式,而妻子却说和大学同学在聚会。”两人回答显然有差异,但即使妻子说,自己可能说成2010年的庆祝方式,但这也可能令整个面试过程失败。  有些时候,申请者为了证明彼此婚姻的真实性,常常准备众多资料和证据,包括报税记录、照片以及其他证据。但往往面试移民官不会将这些准备证据作为重点,反而会问一些令他们措手不及的问题,比如“你们有没有网上聊天记录”、“你们在互联网相互约会年龄”等。


移民局配偶移民签证处理中心的director Wendy Davenport 曾在移民局和移民行业的联席会议上透露。Schedule 3 case 会被重点审查 (有趋势表明,Schedule 3 的 申请造假问题比较多。现在把签证审理的重点放在保护澳大利亚的安全上,所有对申请材料的要求会更高,拒签的也会更多。


一般来说申请的风险越高,审查就会相对更严,审理时间也会相对较长。如果申请人的测评根据以下情况超过8分就是高风险申请人。 打分标准是这样的

  •  如果收到关于关系的举报 (9分)
  • 如果上一个签证是学生签证(2分)
  • 如果上一个签证是300签证,没有和原配偶结婚(9分)
  • 如果申请过难民(2分)
  • 如果去有法庭上诉经历(2分)
  • 如果有部长干预申请经历(2分)
  • 用上黑名单的移民代理 (9分)
  • 用上灰名单的移民代理(3分)
  • 年龄差距 10到15年 (2分)
  • 年龄差距超过15年 (3分)
  • 担保人五年内有配偶的 (1分)
  • 担保人一年内有配偶的 (2分)
  • 10年关系的(-9分)
  • 3到10年的关系 (-1分)
  • 1到2年的关系(2分)
  • 少于1年关系 (4分)
  • 网络恋情 (1分) 
  • 过去担保人有配偶的(2分)
  • 过去担保人是被担保的配偶(2分)
  • 担保人领政府福利(1分)




澳洲配偶签证是一套组合签证,比如境外的309/100 组合,境内的820/801组合。这种签证设计是为了杜绝虚假婚姻的情况,先给2年的观察期,在2年的观察期里,如果婚姻能保持下去,那么申请人就可以获得澳洲永久居住。

但是为了防止这类签证被担保人滥用,使被担保人处于不平等的地位,签证又规定了例外条件,也就是家庭暴力条款,来保护澳洲配偶的利益,让申请人可以有另一条途径获得签证。比如Clause 100.221(4)(c)(i) 规定如果因为家庭暴力,婚姻破裂是符合申请永久居留要求的。Division 1.5 规定家庭暴力可以分为有裁定的judicially determine 和没有裁定的 non judicially determine 2 种情况,一般有裁定的家庭暴力会有警察和法律援助中心介入。

但由于家庭暴力发生一般比较隐秘,证据比较难搜寻,移民法也提供一种人性化的解决方案,也就是non judically determine case 的解决方案。Regulation 1.23(1A)(b)(ii) 规定 这种情况必须提供个人的一个法定声明和2个专家的对这件事的意见。 must state that, in the competent person’s opinion,
relevant family violence (within the meaning of subregulation 1.21 (1)) has been suffered by a person;
Regulation 1.23(2)(b) 定义了家庭暴力为对于受害人的人身和财产的暴力导致受害人对个人安全和福利的担心。violence against the alleged victim or his or her property that causes the alleged victim to fear for, or to be apprehensive about, the alleged victim’s well-being or safety.

这个定义可以说是相当宽松,可以理解为任何暴力,导致对方害怕就是家庭暴力。也就是是禁止担保人使用暴力,申请人可以使用,但担保人不能还手,一还手就算家暴。而这个专家的列表又是相当的宽泛,包括医生,护士,心理医生,社工等。 以志杰移民的切身经验告诉大家,一个专家不行就换另一个专家,总能找到愿意帮忙的专家的,专家也要吃饭啊。所以澳洲配偶其实不用担心签证问题,移民法已经对澳洲配偶保护的相当好了。一般女客户只要和担保人有肢体冲突,都可以用这个条款找专家鉴定,拿到PR,有部分男客户 (会困难一点)也引用家庭暴力条款拿到PR。比如有个客户的专家报告里有 “he was subject to unusual treatments and his lack of language skills, social isolation and unfamiliarity with Australian society made him acutely vulnerable to his wife’s control.” 专家甚至都不需明确的表明意见, 可以隐含的表达 convey by implication ,Meroka v Minister for Immigration & Multicultural Affairs [2002] FCA 482 at [34] (“Meroka”), Ryan J stated that it was not necessary that the competent person state expressly that in his or her opinion relevant domestic violence has been suffered. Ryan J stated that the requisite statement of opinion may be conveyed by implication having regard to the way in which the standard form directs the attention of the competent person to the definition of domestic violence. 这就使专家不必担心证据不足,而使报告的取得更加的容易。


Karsten v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2019] FCCA 1560 (13 June 2019) http://www8.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/cth/FCCA/2019/1560.html 这个最新的法院判决给了我们解答。 Judge Manousaridis 在 para 54 说 In my opinion, the threat by a sponsor to have the holder of a subclass 820 visa deported to his or her country of origin in circumstances where the holder is afraid or otherwise unwilling of returning to his or her own country of origin, and the sponsor is aware of the holder’s fear or unwillingness to return to his or her own country of origin, is capable by itself of constituting “relevant domestic violence” as that expression is defined in reg.1.23(2)(b) of the Regulation. 法官认为这种威胁的行为本身就构成了家庭暴力。



部长指令80曾将涉及未经授权海上到达者(UMAs)作为担保人的家庭签证申请指定为最低处理优先级,这导致了签证处理的延迟。 如果配偶签证的担保人是UMA, 那么这个配偶签证的等待周期会相当长。所以这种情况我们都建议担保人入籍以后再担保配偶。




目前配偶签证的处理时间,第一阶段已经可以达到19到24个月,然后第二阶段达到16 到21个月。




因为820/801, 309/100 是组合签证,在递交了820或309签证的同时,就递交了801和100签证,之所有会出现先给一个临时居留的820/309 然后2年后再审理100/801, 不是因为签证官没有在820/309 阶段就给PR的权力,而是因为申请在签证官审理820/309的时候不符合100/801PR的条件。 具体来说 Reg 100.221 和 Reg 801.221 要求 … at least 2 years have passed since the application was made…

所以能不能让签证官直接给100 或801 签证呢?

答案是肯定的,如果你的签证审理时间被拖过了24个月,或者即将超过24个月,不要焦急,请联系志杰移民,变不利为有利。Turn Lemon into Lemonade. 我们帮你一步到位取得配偶签证的PR。


学生签证持有人有的时候会在学习中途考虑转换其他签证,比如配偶签证。 这个时候原来的学生签证还有很长的时间才过期,新的签证也才刚刚开始审理,如果学生这个时候退学,那么目前持有的学生签证也会进入一个签证取消程序。

比如学生在第一学期申请配偶签证,学生签证还有一年到期,境内申请配偶签证,移民局会颁发可以工作的过桥签证A 。但是这个时候学生申请人的实质性签证还是学生签证。如果这个时候退学,那么移民局有权取消现在这位学生持有的学生签证。

那么这个学生可以选择的方案1 是:

1 从学校withdraw课程

2 通知移民局你的情况,自愿取消现有学生签证

3 申请bridging visa E (BVE )

4 申请BVE工作许可。


1 先申请一个新的3个月有效期旅游签证。

2 从这个旅游签证上再申请新的PR比如配偶签证或者187雇主担保之类的签证。



从实际效果来看方案1 和方案3 的后果是一样的,就是有一个签证取消的记录。以后申请入籍的时候可能需要重新计算时间。



[820.211] (2)
(d) in the case of an applicant who is not the holder of a substantive visa — either:

(i) the applicant:

(A) entered Australia as the holder of a Subclass 995 (Diplomatic) visa or as a special purpose visa holder who at the time of entry met the requirements of subclause (2A); and

(B) satisfies Schedule 3 criterion 3002; or

(ii) the applicant satisfies Schedule 3 criteria 3001, 3003 and 3004, unless the Minister is satisfied that there are compelling reasons for not applying those criteria.
这个3001 3003 3004 的规定现在已经变得相当的严格。原来PAM上规定的几种豁免方法,例如长期的配偶关系用来豁免Schedule 3 的要求,新的PAM都抹掉了,取而代之规定为

8.7 Other unlawful ​non-citizens
Clause 820.211(2)(d)(ii), the ‘compelling reasons’ provision, allows certain persons who are unlawful in Australia to regularise their status if compelling reasons exist.

The Migration Regulations do not prescribe the circumstances that need to be considered when assessing whether or not ‘compelling reasons’ exist to not apply Schedule 3 criteria 3001, 3003 and 3004. As such, officers should consider circumstances on a case by case basis.

In doing so, however, officers should be mindful that the intent of the waiver provisions is to allow persons whose circumstances are genuinely compelling to regularise their status. The provisions are not intended to give, or be perceived to give, an unfair advantage to persons who:


•fail to comply with their visa conditions or申请人没有遵守原来的签证规定
•deliberately manipulate their circumstances to give rise to compelling reasons 自己创造出一些特殊情况来满足规定 or
•an leave Australia and apply for an leave Australia and apply for a Partner visa outside Australia.申请人可以出境来申请配偶签证,但是不愿意出境。

An example of where the circumstances may not be compelling to waive the Schedule 3 requirements may be where an applicant has remained unlawful for a number of years, made little or no effort to regularise their status and claims compelling circumstances on the basis of a long term relationship with their sponsoring partner and/or hardship caused by separation if they were to apply outside Australia for the visa. 比如说一个申请人已经在澳洲黑了很多年,用长期的配偶关系来申请豁免,想要境内申请配偶签证,移民局是不支持的。

移民局同时规定了几种禁止waive 的情况。这次规定可以豁免的门槛特别高,一般申请人可控的原因都不可以用来申请。
With the intent of the waiver provisions in mind, it is generally reasonable to expect that compelling reasons to exercise the waiver provision exist where an applicant’s circumstances happened beyond their control. That is, circumstances beyond the applicant’s control had led them to become unlawful and/or prevented them from regularising their status through means other than the Partner visa application for which they seek the waiver. 

For example, in the scenario given earlier, it is reasonable to accept that compelling circumstances exist to waive the Schedule 3 criteria if, for reasons beyond the applicant’s control – such as severe illness or incapacity – the applicant was prevented from regularising their status in the years they had been unlawful. 比如,如果申请人严重疾病或残疾,导致申请人无法申请签证,那么可以接受申请人在境内申请。

As a general rule, the existence of a genuine spouse or de facto relationship between the applicant and sponsoring partner, and/or the hardship suffered from the separation if the applicant were to leave, and apply for the visa, outside Australia are not, in themselves, compelling reasons not to apply the Schedule 3 criteria. This is because a genuine relationship forms the basis of all Partner visa applications, and hardship caused by separation, whilst it differs in degree from one case to another, is common in the Partner visa caseload, particularly in the offshore context where partners may be separated for extended periods during visa processing. 一般来说,夫妻双方分离的痛苦,不足以构成豁免schedule 3 的理由。

Policy intends that the waiver provision should not be applied where it is reasonable to expect the applicant to leave Australia and apply outside Australia for a Partner visa. This not only ensures fairness and equity to other applicants and discourages deliberate non-compliance, but also preserves the integrity of the Partner visa program in general and the waiver provisions in specific. 现在移民局强调对所有申请人的公平,和原来PAM规定的帮助弱势群体的政策大相径庭。

Matters that officers should take into consideration when assessing whether the applicant’s circumstances may be considered compelling include but are not limited to:

•any history of non-compliance by the applicant
•the length of time the applicant has been unlawful
•the reasons why the applicant became unlawful
•the reasons why the applicant did not seek to regularise their status sooner
•what steps, if any, the applicant has taken to regularise their status (other than applying for a Partner visa).

从最近一些AAT判例也可以看出相同的趋势。原来用长期关系来作为利用申请waive Schedule 3 的要求,已经出现了很多失败的案例比如在一个AAT判例里,AAT的仲裁员也认为长期关系不足以构成豁免的理由:“

The applicant also refers to having a long standing relationship with the sponsor,
stating that it existed for two years at the time of application and has now existed for
a period exceeding four years. The applicant claims that the Explanatory
Memorandum identifies a long standing relationship as a compelling reason. The
Tribunal does not accept that it is. In the Tribunal’s view, the existence of a
committed relationship, even a long standing one, constitutes the basis on which the
present application is made but no more. The length of the relationship may be
relevant in determining whether it is a genuine one but in the Tribunal’s view, it is not
sufficient to establish the existence of compelling reasons. The Tribunal is mindful
that with the delays in processing such applications by the Department and the
Tribunal practically mean that by the time the Tribunal considers the case (and
reasons up to the time of decision may be considered), most if not all relationships
would have been in existence for a period of two years or more. The Tribunal is not
convinced that it was ever the Parliamentary intention that every case involving a two
year relationship and nothing more, would give rise to the waiver of the Schedule 3



【志杰移民】恭喜X女士100配偶永居签证下签[Wow]恭喜担保人L先生守得云开见月明终于可以粘着太太不用委屈等待啦波折的DIY配偶签证曾因担保人急切蜜月疏忽法律细节而导致拒签|委托志杰移民后[Respect]经积极配合的材料准备[GoForIt]第二步永居递交两个月就下签啦[Wow]志杰移民,移路相随💯💯💯You’re in good hands with Zhijievisa

