疫情期间,887签证申请要求 2020年9月18日更新

移民局对疫情期间的887申请给出了一个优惠期 (concession period) 优惠期从2020年2月1日开始,结束时间移民局会另行通知。在这个优惠期间:

  1. 887 可以接境内申请也可以境外申请,可以境内下签也可以境外下签。
  2. 申请人如果持有provisional visa 在境外到期了,也可以申请887。
  3. 如果申请人在境外申请,申请人的边远地区居住时间增加6个月。
  4. 在优惠期以及优惠期后3个月递交887签证,工作时间的要求缩短为9个月。

但这些改变并不意味着申请人可以提前递交887, 申请人仍然需要持有489签证至少2年以后才可以递交887。



  •  我2年间有出去旅游过3个月,要扣除么?



In considering whether an applicant has been living in a specified regional area for at least two years case officers should note that short holidays during which the applicant visits a metropolitan city or travels overseas, do not detract from a period of residence.

  • 2年需要连续居住么?



Although it will usually be the case, there is nothing in the Regulations to provide that the applicant must have lived for a concentrated two year period in a specified regional area. The two years may be achieved by adding together two or more periods of residency.

  • 2年居住没有住房合同怎么办?



Case officers should consider:

•      rental agreements

•      mortgage documents or title deeds

•      school reports

•      utility bills

as evidence of where an applicant has been living. This list is not exhaustive.

  • 要从事本职工作么? 自雇可以么?



While it is intended that visa holders selected on the basis of their skills and work in Australia using those skills, work in an occupation other than the occupation nominated in the provisional GSM visa application will be considered.

Similarly, an applicant may have been working for an employer, on a contractual basis or have been self employed.

  • full time work 怎么算,多少小时一周可以? 几个工作时间可以相加么?自雇怎么办?

 一般来说 35 小时。如果低于30小时就危险。工作时间可以相加。自雇需要制作排班表。或工作计划。或者其他人的证明。(同事,同行,房东等等)


The Australian Bureau of Statistics states that a full-time position is one in which normally requires 35 hours a week work. There may be some occupations, however, where a full-time position involves less than 35 hours a week. Officers should use their judgment in such circumstances, but under policy, any work for less than 30 hours a week could not be regarded as full-time.

Where necessary, a visa 887 applicant may “add together” the hours worked in two part-time or casual positions to meet the full-time work requirement.

Applicants who have been working on a contractual basis or are self-employed, in particular, will need to ensure they have evidence that supports their claim that they have worked for at least 35 hours a week.

  •  工作证明需要提供什么,我没有payslip 证明可以么?

工作证明可以是雇主的reference letter, ATO 的信 或者工作合同。其他的也可以比如银行转帐的证明。


Acceptable evidence of work includes, but is not restricted to:

•      ATO and superannuation records

•      references from employers

•      contracts

•      payslips.

  • 我一个人申请,我老婆不和我一起申请,需要她们提供无犯罪公证么?


887 签证需要人在境内下签么?

2020年9月18日新规定以后,887 签证在境内或者境外都可以下签。


目前移民局审理887 的积压case 的情况



  1. 李老师你好,我和我爱人已经在3月份在澳洲递交了887申请,因为家庭原因我想要回国一段时间。请问我们如果一起回去会影响到887的下签么?我听说如果在境外等下,下签的时间可能会收到影响。

  2. 你好,李老师。

  3. 李老师您好,






    Thank you in advance!

  4. 关于两年偏远地区居住要求,我如果其中有4个月回国,请问我是否需要补齐这四个月的时间,即使我的487已经满两年而且我的居住地址一直在偏远地区?谢谢

  5. 李律师,您好,很感谢您分享的信息。我一年后也将申请,关于35个小时以上的casual job是否可以一直困恼着我,我看到网上有的说可以有的说不行。所以我一直在找官方的说法。我在网上另一处也看到你所给的以下的信息,但我没找到出处,请教您能否让我知道一下它的出处,非常感谢。
    The Australian Bureau of Statistics states that a full-time position is one in which normally requires 35 hours a week work. There may be some occupations, however, where a full-time position involves less than 35 hours a week. Officers should use their judgment in such circumstances, but under policy, any work for less than 30 hours a week could not be regarded as full-time.
    Where necessary, a visa 887 applicant may “add together” the hours worked in two part-time or casual positions to meet the full-time work requirement.
    Applicants who have been working on a contractual basis or are self-employed, in particular, will need to ensure they have evidence that supports their claim that they have worked for at least 35 hours a week.

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