485 签证的副申请人可以变换成为主申请人再申请一次485么

最新的485签证申请法律规定 485.211(b) 规定 the applicant has not previously held a subclass 485 ( Temporary graduate ) visa in Graduate work stream, 并且 482.211 (c) 规定 除非是做485 2签延期,the applicant has not previously held a subclass 485 visa in PSW stream。


The applicant:

(a)  has not previously held a Subclass 476 (Skilled – Recognised Graduate) visa that was granted on the basis that the applicant satisfied the primary criteria for the grant of the visa; and

(b)  has not previously held a Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa in the Graduate Work stream; and  

(c)   unless the applicant has nominated the Post‑Study Work stream in the application and meets the requirements of clause 485.232 or 485.233—has not previously held a Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa in the Post‑Study Work stream; and  

(d)   has not previously held 2 Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visas in the Post‑Study Work stream.  ​

那么485签证的副申请人能不能转换成485的主申请人的问题就是485的副申请人有没有stream 的问题。 志杰移民认为485的副申请人是没有stream的。换句话说,主申请人拿到485 PSW stream 的签证,副申请拿到的485签证其实没有stream。副申请人的485并不是看上去那样因为主申请人而获得的。这里底层的法律逻辑是副申请人满足自己的法律要求来获得的。所以485的副申请人获得的签证,是移民官通过从485.3 开始来一条一条的解读法律要求,最后核发的签证。

485.3  Secondary criteria 

Note    These criteria are for applicants who are members of the family unit of a person who satisfies the primary criteria. All criteria must be satisfied at the time a decision is made on the application.

485.31  Criteria 

The applicant:

(a)  is a member of the family unit of a person who holds a Subclass 485 visa granted on the basis of satisfying the primary criteria for the grant of the visa, and made a combined application with that person; or

(b)  is a member of the family unit of a person who holds a Skilled (Provisional) (Class VC) visa on the basis of satisfying the primary criteria for the grant of a Subclass 485 visa. 


(1)  When the application was made, it was accompanied by evidence that the applicant had adequate arrangements for health insurance.

(2)  The applicant has had adequate arrangements for health insurance since the time the application was made.


(1)  The applicant satisfies public interest criteria 4001400240034004400540104020 and 4021

(2)  If the applicant had turned 18 at the time of application, the applicant satisfies public interest crtierion 4019.

(3)  If the applicant has not turned 18, the applicant satisfies public interest criteria 4017 and 4018


If the applicant has previously been in Australia , the applicant satisfies special return criteria 50015002 and 5010.

因此485的副申请人是不受 485.211 影响的。

这个移民界的“白马非马”的问题,我们也可以类比一下商业移民188签证的要求。188签证也是有多种stream 的签证。多种stream 设置了不同的转PR 888签证的要求。

这里第1点规定 188a签证持有人可以转888a。这个第2点规定,申请人必须是188a 的附属申请人才可以转888a。如果没有这个第2点的规定,188a的家属因为不是188a签证,所以就不可以转888a。

试想一下如果188a的副申请人也是188a签证的话,这里的第二点规定就是多此一举了。所以从侧面印证了485的副申请人是没有任何stream的这种说法。也即是 485副申请人可以转为主申请人再次申请485。



