
1 公司注册陷阱 Mig Act 134

移民法section 134 规定了,用来转公司所有权的形式必须是1 shareholder, 2 sole trader,3 partner. 很多商业移民先自己找会计师把生意做起来,2年以后再找移民律师,由于税收方面的诱惑,把公司注册成trust 。这个是不符合移民申请的规定了。估计失败在这个规定上的申请人有5%。

2 Form 949 州担保表格遗漏主申请人

很多163客户国内都是男方做主申请,来了澳洲以后换女方主申请,在填写form949 州担保表格的时候 ITEM25 尤其重要,不要主申请人和副申请人弄错了不可挽回,收到949担保表的时候,也要再次核实被担保的人名字。失败在这个上的申请人有5%

3 生意是移民法认可的合格生意 reg 1.03

前些日子有个做红酒的客户来找我代理892申请,我看了她的文件后立刻发觉她的生意安排有问题。她只有1个也仅仅有一个客户在中国。就这样做了一年红酒出口。这种一个客户的公司在移民法的定义中是AGENT ,也不符合向公众提供服务的公司要求。

ref:the following factors may be considered in ascertaining whether activities constitute the carrying on of a business (section 7.4):

  • transaction are entered into on a continuous basis for the purpose of making a profit;
  • the activity has a permanent character, and how long it has been established;
  • customers are sought and financial records are kept;
  • the activities are genuine and real.
  • In Puzey v Commissioner of Taxation [2003] FCAFC 197; (2003) 131 FCR 244, the Full Federal Court (Hill and Carr JJ, French J agreeing) said that whether a person is carrying on a business will depend on the facts and circumstances. The Court went on to say [at 47-48]:

“47. It will be relevant in deciding whether a business is carried on that there is some repetition of acts and that the activities in question have ‘something of a permanent character’; Hope per Mason J at 8. What is required is that activities be engaged upon ‘on a continuous and repetitive basis’; Hope ibid at 9. However, perhaps not too much attention should be given to the concept of repetition where the activity is one, such as plantation operation, where the activity will continue over a relatively long period of time but where there will be significant periods of what may be referred to as inactivity. Business does not mean being busy.
48. In deciding whether or not a business is carried on courts have pointed to what have been called in the United Kingdom the ‘badges of trade’, indicia which, while no one of them will be determinative of whether a business is carried on, collectively will demonstrate a business. These include the profit motive (although a non profit company may still carry on a business), acting in a business like way, (although many businesses may be found which operate in a non-business like way), the keeping of books of account and records, (although the fact that there are none will not necessitate the conclusion that a business is not carried on) and repetition (although a fixed term project may still be a business).”


4 离境时间太长不符合日常经营管理的要求。

只要超过6个星期或者累计一年6个星期的离境都是要提供如果在离境时满足日常管理要求的。转892实际法律要求只要居住2年内1年,如何在境外满足公司管理的要求呢,值得参考的判例是lobo vs mimia

移民在这个问题上的要求已经超出了移民法本来的定义. PAM 进一步要求为This requires that the business be ongoing and for the applicant to consistently spend a significant portion of their time managing the business on an ongoing basis. 移民法没有“significant portion of their time ” 每天一个小时按照移民法也是符合要求的,但是移民局可能会根据PAM拒签。


5 多个不同类别的生意在同一个ABN下运营,移民局最低接受2个。

Pam 的规定是

If a visa applicant has ownership interests in more than one qualifying business, they can nominate only two businesses as main businesses, regardless of whether the businesses are operated by different entities or by the same entity.

An interposed legal entity (that is, parent company) that owns multiple businesses but does not provide goods and services cannot be considered as a main business – refer to Qualifying business – Operated for the purpose of a profit.


Trading entities may be considered as one main business if the parent company is nominated and the trading entities and parent company operate under the same ABN.


6 公司经营项目和澳大利亚无关 (no tie to Australia)

比如澳大利亚公司,把韩国的产品卖到中国,虽然税务上是满足Australian business 的要求的,也要交税,可以这种公司的营业额是不符合移民法要求的。 所有的商业移民签证都要求公司在澳洲运营。require the applicant’s main business to be actively operating ‘in Australia’. 移民法对这个在澳洲运营的解释就是必须和澳洲有联系。For a business to be considered to be in Australia it must supply goods and/or services connected with Australia.以上的例子就不符合这个要求。

7 经营项目是 出租房屋 (rental property),投机性投资( speculative investment) or 消极投资 (passive investment)等禁止类项目。





