


满足澳大利亚的保护义务:这意味着申请人必须是难民或符合辅助保护的条件。 难民:难民是指在其原籍国家境外的人,因种族、宗教、国籍、特定社会群体成员身份或政治观点而担心受迫害。这种迫害必须涉及严重伤害,并具有系统性和歧视性。 辅助保护:如果申请人不符合难民的定义,如果他们能证明返回原籍国家存在实际受到重大伤害的真实风险,他们仍然可能符合辅助保护的条件。 满足其他签证要求:除了满足澳大利亚的保护义务外,申请人还必须满足签证的其他要求,包括健康、品行和安全方面的要求。 在某些情况下,申请人可能不符合申请保护签证的资格,例如如果他们在上次抵达澳大利亚以后被拒绝保护签证或者保护签证被取消,或者如果他们曾经持有某些临时签证。







1 申请人必须不在所在国。

2 申请人必须受到迫害有恐惧受到迫害。” Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness” 和美国独立宣言的精神惊人的一致。迫害必须是官方认可的。比如法轮功,民运,计划生育,地下基督教会,回族伊斯兰,疆独,藏独。申请人必须有受到迫害的理由。

3 必须是日内瓦公约保护范围内的迫害。race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. 比如王立军是不可以申请的,不属于以上范围.

4 的确有受迫害的可能性。

原来的移民法规定保护签证申请人必须要满足联合国公约关于难民的定义( United Nations definition of a refugee ). 现在的新的规定在移民法 Section 5H 中规定难民 (refugee)
(a) in a case where the person has a nationality- is outside the country of his or her nationality and, owing to a well founded fear of persecution, is unable or unwilling to avail himself of herself of the protection of that country; or
(b) in a case where the person does not have nationality-is outside the country of his or her former habitual residence and owing to a well founded fear of persecution, is unable or unwilling to return to it.
这个变化 主要造成了2点影响
1 必须要在所在国全境遭受迫害。a person will only have a well founded fear of persecution where the real chance of persecution relates to all areas of a receiving country: s5J(1)(c).

2 如果难民可以低调做人来避免迫害,那么也不能得到签证。A person will not have a well-founded fear of persecution if they could take reasonable steps to modify their behaviour to avoid persecution, other than modifications which would conflict with a characteristic fundamental to their identity of conscience, or which would conceal an innate or immutable characteristic of the person: S5J(3)

S5J(3) 和原来的法庭判例S395 v MIMA (和移民法的判例不同,难民法的法庭判例都会隐藏申请人的真实姓名)有一点细微的差异。

S395 规定, An applicant may avoid persecution by acting discreetly, or otherwise modifying their behaviour, the decision maker must consider why the applicant will act in that way,and what would happen if he did not do so. if the reason for modification is the applicant’s fear of persecution,and the fear is well founded , the the person may be a refugee within the meaning of Act 1A.

under S.5J(3),case officer should take into account what a person could do to avoid persecution, in contrast to Court’s ruling in S395 that assessment under Convention concerns what a person would do.


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