
很多最后上诉成功的客户都问我能不能和移民局讨个说法,上诉成功要移民局补充他们的损失。他们的心情我可以理解,但是这个事情在澳洲是办不到的。根据 Northern Territory of Australia v Mengel (1995) 185 CLR 307 per Brennan J at 356 的判例
It may of course be necessary to have administrative action or an administrative decision set aside on the way to a claim for damages but this is because, outside negligent acts or omissions,
there is no claim for damages in respect of a lawful administrative action. “There can be no
tortious liability for an act or omission which is done or made in valid exercise of a power.”
除非签证官和你有私人恩怨,或者他的举动超出了职责许可的权限你才有可能起诉negligent exercise of discretionary power. 比如 移民局到你家抓黑名把你的UTE 开走了,这种情况才有可能去告移民局tort寻求补偿。
