先例原则Doctrine of Precedent 在GTE 问题上的运用

移民法的一个来源是法院的判例,对于一个问题,各级法院可能有不同的看法,比如完成一个573 学习的客户想继续读一个572 的课程然后移民,这种情况会不会有GTE的问题?

在Federal Circuit Court (FCC)有些法官对这个问题的看法,是移民的最终目的和GTE不冲突比如,In that case, Khanna & Ors v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2015] FCCA 1971 (20 July 2015), the Court held that an applicant can satisfy the requirement to be a genuine temporary entrant even if they have a desire or wish to remain in Australia following the completion of their studies if a viable pathway should become available. 就算学生明确和移民局说,我读完那个课程就是要移民的,移民局也不可以用GTE拒签。
Jung v Minister for Immigration & Anor, (2015) FCCA 1096 (4 May 2015), it was found that a person can simultaneously hold seemingly “inconsistent” or “contradictory” intentions with respect to remaining in Australia and yet nonetheless meet the genuine temporary entrant criterion. 也支持就算学生有双重目的,也可以满足GTE 要求。

在FCC 也有一些法官持相反的看法 比如Judge Cameron 在这个Saini v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (2015) FCCA 2379.判例里的看法,移民的目的和学社签证GTE本质上是冲突的。

Federal Court (FCA) 是比Federal Circuit Court (FCC) 更高一级的法院。 在Saini case 的上诉中,FCA 的主审法官 Judge Logan 同样 FCC法官 Judge Cameron 的看法,认为移民的目的和学生签证GTE是冲突的。至此,所有的下级法院包括FCC和AAT和移民局,只要你表现出你有移民的打算,任何学生签证和有GTE的签证都不可以被批准。

直到新的case  Inderjit v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs (2019) FCAFC 217. 在Full Federal Court (FCAFC) 认为移民目的和GTE目的没有本质的冲突, Even if an applicant for a student visa has a settled intention to seek permanent residency if possible, having that intention will not necessarily and definitively prevent an applicant from satisfying the GTE and obtaining a student visa.

但是是一个很负面的影响,判决第39段指出 :“Ordinarily, that lack of consistency may be expected to lead a decision-maker to examine closely whether its presence should result in the decision-maker not being able to form the requisite state of satisfaction justifying the grant of the visa. But as we read Logan J’s reasons, he did not hold that the decision-maker had to decide that the existence of the settled intention, at the time of the decision, if the opportunity to do so arose, later to seek a visa that would lead other than temporary residence, necessarily negated the entitlement to seek a visa.”

