AAT (MRT) 听证会可以不去么?

AAT (MRT)的听证会给申请人一个新的陈述自己case的机会。但是如果申请人就是为了拖时间还是不去为好。因为如果去了可能立刻得到一个不利的口头决定,如果不去发出书面决定还可以多拖延一些时间。

Section 362 B
Section 362C
Once an applicant fails to appear at the tribunal the usual procedures for making
written and oral decisions under Sections 368 and 368D no longer apply and the
procedures for making a “non-appearance decision” in Sections 362B and 362C
come into effect.
Section 362C-together with the note after Section 368(1)(f) –make it clear that a
“non-appearance decision” can only be made in writing-not orally.
Further, any notification of a “non-appearance decision” must – in accordance with
Section 362C (6) – be accompanied by a statement describing the effect of
Subsections 362B (1B) to (1F), which set out an applicant’s right to seek
reinstatement of the application

One comment

  1. 老师…aat叫我去听证会…要去吗?我是过桥签c是有工作权的…工作权才申请到一个月而已
